Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Don't abuse it

In response to the post Abortion.

I agree with many of the points you make in your post. However, I do think the ideas you express could be a bit more thought out and or expanded on. I too feel that women should have the right to choose regarding abortions and that educating our youth in regards to sexual activities is a must.
I also concur with your statement about many people/ groups being against abortions. I understand your thoughts on it however; I think that the paragraph is a bit ambiguous. You talk how many people believe abortion is wrong but don’t talk action, then about a church in this area who is active in an anti-abortion campaign then jump back to how people “preach viciously” but don’t follow with actions, etc. This makes for a choppy and hard to read and understand paragraph. I would recommend stating your objective then following it up with information that supports your idea.
Abortion should be a right that all women have; in 1973 the Supreme Court granted us that right. While surely there are cases of abuse (women using abortion as a means of birth control) there are many, many women that don’t. Having this right means that people who aren’t ready for children don’t have to have them. Many women’s lives have been saved because “back-alley” abortions are no longer needed. Each state does have the ability to regulate abortions for minors, and I believe this should be the case. Under our laws children are not able to give legal consent until the age of 18 and abortion should not change this.
Sex education in our country needs to be revisited also. Some parents are worried by that talking about sex, we will only encourage children to engage in it. I contend that children who are engaging in sexual relations are going to do so with or with out sex education and that it is our responsibility as adults to educate them as to the consequences of unprotected sex (STD’s, pregnancy) and for god’s sake teach these kids how to protect themselves. Teaching abstinence is in no way helpful, this method will leave kids uneducated and unprepared.
Although abortion is a right granted all women by the Supreme Court this does not give us leave to act without regard. As adults and role models for people of all ages we need to teach each other how to behave and act responsibly with our bodies.

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